Transfer Request

If you are a currenty/active player in SWPL and want to transfer to a new team follow these steps:

  1. Contact your current team owner/manager and tell them you want a release.
  2. The current team owner/manager must email our registrar stating they are ok to release you from their team
  3. Email and ask for a transfer from your current team to the new team

Refer to our SWPL Operations Handbook and look up player rules to understand the options for players in our league.

We allow, in some instances, the following:

  • Multi-rostering - playing on more than one team - cannot play for more than one team in the same division/conference.
  • Club pass - playing for multiple teams within your club
  • Transfers - we allow players to transfer to different teams
  • Guest-player - guesting on other teams.

The above is not always allowed, be sure to understand our league rules.

You must complete payment for the transfer to be processed. Please allow 1 week for processing.

There is no cost to transfer unless a rush is requested.